Astrology abstract circle

Vedic Astrology for Beginners – L1

Join Ram Vakkalanka for an introduction to the most ancient science of the Stars – Vedic Astrology, known as ‘Jyotisham’. In this course, we learn about the origins of the Vedic Astrology, explore how ‘Karma’ determines the quality of our life experience, how to read someone’s Karma through their ‘birth chart’, basic concepts of Astrology such as planets, zodiac signs, houses and Nakshatras (Asterism).

What will you learn:

Please note that studying with Ram is not academic exercise but rather a spiritual journey. While the course is structured well, it is a good idea not to get attached to it as Ram is guided more by his intuition of the group energy in teaching.

*Karma and its influence on our life
*Basic philosophy of Vedic Astrology
*The Nine Planets of VA
*The 12 Zodiac Signs
*The 27 Nakshatras
*The 12 Houses
*Basic understanding of a Natal Chart

Who would benefit from the course?

This course is suitable for anyone interested in Vedic Astrology and its application in daily life, figuring out what their life is about or what their Dharma is and improving personal and professional relationships.

Level of the course:

Course Syllabus:
Session 1: Origin and History of Vedic Astrology
Session 2: Karma and different elements of Karma
Session 3: What is a natal chart?
Session 4: The Nine planets and their significations
Session 5: The 12 Zodiac signs and their significations
Session 6: The 27 Nakshatras
Session 7: The 12 Houses and their significations
Session 8: Characteristics and Dignities of Planets
Session 9: The Six Methods of interpreting a Natal Chart
Session 10: Reinforcing the learning, Q&A

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, the participants would:

*have basic knowledge of Karma and a few important elements of Karma

*have basic knowledge of Zodiac signs, Planets, Houses and Nakshatras

*Be able to understand a birth chart

*Please note that after this course you will get a basic knowledge of what a birth chart is and some understanding of what it’s trying to convey. However, to be able to effectively interpret a birth chart takes more study, which you can gain by taking more courses with Ram.

About the Teacher: Ram Vakkalanka
Ram was born and brought up in India, steeped in the Vedic tradition of life.  Vedic Philosophies (such as Yoga, Vedanta, Tantra), Vedic Sciences (such as Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda) and Vedic practices (such as Meditation, Nada Yoga, Mantras, Mudras, Yantras) form the core of his teachings. Ram shares the authentic wisdom of the Rishis from the ancient texts of India in an easily-understandable language, with a sense of humour. He simplifies – but doesn’t water down – even the most complicated concepts of Vedic and Tantric philosophies, making them easily accessible to everyone. Ram has a very informal and touching style of teaching and effortlessly blends philosophy, story-telling, relevant examples and humour.

Duration of the Course:

This course consists of ten weekly sessions, every Tuesday from Jul 28 – Sep 29, 2020.

Time of the live online-sessions:
EST: 7 – 8 am
; UK: 12 – 1 pm; 
CET: 1 – 2 pm
; BKK: 6 – 7 pm
; AEDT: 9 – 10 pm

Location of the Course:
This is an online course. You can take the course from the comfort of your home or wherever else you wish. You will need the following to attend the sessions: a quite space without interference, something to sit comfortably on…yoga mat, carpet, chair, cushions…whatever works for you, stable internet connection and a Computer/Tablet/Smart Phone with camera and microphone.

Course Completion Certificate from Akshara Yoga Peetham, India


On-the-go Learning:
Reinforce your learning on your mobile, tablet, laptop – wherever you are and whenever you want by watching the recordings of the online sessions

Lifetime access:
You have lifetime access to the recorded online sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

🕉 Is the Course Material included?
Course material consisting of lessons in pdf form will be e-mailed to the participants before each session.

🕉 Would the sessions be recorded?
The sessions would be recorded and made available for viewing for one week after the session, with unlimited access during this period. This way, you can watch it again in case you missed something or would just like to re-watch it. While the focus of the recording would be on the teacher, it is possible you might appear in the recording too. If you have any concerns about this, please mail us through the ‘Contact‘ form and we can discuss further.

🕉 What’s the cost of the course?
CAD 150 per person, payable at the beginning of the course in full.

🕉 How do I register?
Please scroll down to the section ‘Book Event’ and follow the prompts to pay through Paypal and register. You may register more than one person, such as a friend or family member, by selecting the appropriate number of registrations.

🕉 Need more details?
Please contact us through the ‘Contact‘ form.

We appreciate your time, energy as well as commitment to learning and growing and thank you for your support of our courses.

Looking forward to seeing you online…







Is there a connection between Ayurveda and Astrology?

ॐ नमामि धन्वन्तरिं आदिदेवं सुरासुरैर्वन्दित पादपद्मम्।
  लोके जरारुक् भयमृत्युनाशनं धातारमीशं विविधौषधीनाम्।।
Om, Salutations to Dhanvantari, who is revered by one and all, remover of the fear of illness and death and bestower of the knowledge of holistic healing!
The Universe comes into existence as a manifestation of three principles: the principle of Radiation, the principle of Reflection and the principle of Materialization. At Cosmic level, Sun represents the principle of radiation, Moon represents the principle of reflection and planet Earth represents the principle of materialization. Sun is the source of all life. There is no form of life on Sun but Sun is the source of life energy. Vedas compare the Sun rays to the sperm and the oceans to the womb. When the Sun rays enter the ocean, life is formed. The radiation in the form of electro-magnetism emanating from the Stars around the Earth are reflected by the planets of the solar family on to Earth. This radiation inevitably influences all the beings on earth. If we look deeply, we realize that everything is light. Plants receive light from the Sun, moon as well as other planets and create food for themselves. Animals and some humans survive on this, directly or indirectly nourishing themselves on light; thus, light is everything. This is the macrocosmic principle. Let us look at the microcosmic picture now.

As earthly beings, we are also manifestations of the same three principles mentioned above. Purusha or Pure Consciousness is the principle of radiation, mind is the principle of reflection and body the principle of materialization. There is a bridge between the mind and the body, known as the Vital body or Pranamaya Kosha. Prana is the life energy and Pranamaya Kosha is the layer of Pranic energy within us. Sun is the source of Prana at cosmic level as well as individual level. The Pranamaya Kosha is formed since the time the baby is in the womb of the mother due to the exposure to Sun. In fact, Pranamaya Kosha serves as the bridge between the physical body and all the subtle energies that direct it. The five Elemental energies  manifest in the Pranamaya Kosha as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It is important to understand that Vata, Pitta and Kapha are not physical things but subtle energies in the Pranamaya Kosha. They manifest in the physical body as Sapta Dhatus – the seven tissues – Plasma, Blood, Muscle tissue, Fat tissue, Bone marrow, Bone and Reproductive tissue.

Plants, especially, herbs receive the positive radiation from the Sun, Moon and planets and grow because of that. While Sun light is essential for the plants to grow, most of the medicinal herbs need moonlight as nourishment. Farmers plant certain seeds only during specific moon days. Various diseases, which are caused by the negative radiation from the Sun, Moon and planets can be cured by using the herbs, which absorb the positive radiation from the same sources. This is the essential principle behind the healing philosophy of Ayurveda. In fact, Ayurvedic herbs are extracted and medicines are prepared from them on certain specific days based on moon phases. Ayurveda deals with herbs which absorb the positive radiation of the Sun, Moon and Planets.  Astrology deals with the positive and negatives aspects of the same. Both these sciences are inevitably and inseparably connected.

Ayurveda treats the physical body thru Pranic body. Astrology treats the physical body thru Astral body. There is a close relationship between the two sciences. Astrology is one of the six limbs of Veda and Ayurveda is the Upaveda (subsidiary Veda) for Atharvana veda. These two sciences can help us harmonize ourselves with the universe.

Ayurveda is a comprehensive tool for healing ourselves physically and psychologically by making appropriate changes in diet and lifestyle factors. Astrology teaches us how to heal ourselves by harmonizing ourselves with cosmic energies.

The relationship between  Astrology and Ayurveda has been known since ancient times. They both used to be taught in ancient Indian universities such as Nalanda and Takshashila. Many interested souls used to come to these universities to study them. Once such Roman astrologer Manilius spread this knowledge in the West by creating the ‘Zodiac man’.

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